The ups and downs

I debated whether to blog about this but, I read a quotation the other day that really stuck with me and is a big reason behind why I'm writing this today.  It said:

"The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we 
compare our behind the scenes with everyone else's highlight reel"

With the internet and social media it's very easy to just see everyone's highlight reel, see what they want you to see and really get down about yourself.  So in an effort to be completely transparent and honest about what I'm doing, I will share the good and the bad. 

So, here I go.  As I mentioned earlier this week, I really enjoyed our vacation. A lot.  I ate so much fabulous food and was lucky enough to not gain any weight.

This week however has been so difficult.  I'm back to my low fat, lower carb, high protein, literally watching every single thing I eat lifestyle.  I know I always refer to it as a lifestyle change and I've felt that way the whole way through until this week.  While I'm trying to lose weight I'm at a 500 calorie/day deficit so, it's still a diet in a way and it's really wearing on me.  I've calculated that I've been at this now for 5 months which to me is a really really *really* long time.

Motivating myself every day is a challenge.  Waking up, grabbing my phone and launching my MFP app. I start my day of logging food and exercise and this repeats day in and day out and it is a heck of a lot more work than it seems. It takes so much dedication and so much self control.  As I've said before, self control is a tricky beast.  

I'm not entirely sure why but today I wanted to throw in the towel. I was really grumpy and taking it out on my poor innocent husband. I wanted to just stuff my face with every kind of delicious food I could think of. 

Instead, I got my butt off the couch and went for a run... completed week 5 day 2 of my 10k trainer.  It didn't make me feel better but, at least I did something healthy instead of something that would hinder my progress.  I'm sure in a few weeks time I will feel better and be back in the groove but for now, it's a struggle to keep going. 

I just need to go back to taking it one day at a time.  I will get past this and I will reach my goal.


  1. It is a daily struggle and we have our good days and our bad days. You are doing fabulously and just know that things will get better and you WILL have a good day again. I'm proud of you for getting out there and running!!

    1. Thanks Krystale. I know better days are ahead, I can't wait for them to arrive!

  2. Hey Steph - I just want to say that I really appreciate reading this, and find it really inspirational. And although each day you go may feel more challenging, I want to let you know that it also makes it that much more impressive and amazing! So keep up the awesome work!

    1. Thanks so much Graeme, really appreciate that :)


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