Getting Motivated Again

After I finished my 10k I decided to give my body a bit of a break from the intense training. Let my knees have a little rest and relaxation. I've been going to the gym and I've been watching what I eat's not good enough and I've definitely not been as committed as I could be and should be. I keep saying "well the great news is, my summer clothes fit!" Which is true and frankly, they fit comfortably so, I managed to maintain year over year. I really need to get back into tracking calories with my fitness pal and making sure I get exercise 3-4 days a week again. I'd really appreciate mother nature helping me out and not have the rain start right when I get home from work most days (it's getting on my nerves.) I want to keep my running up but, running in the rain isn't something that I enjoy and I have had just about enough of the treadmill at the gym (I do hit the treadmill if there have been too many rainy days.) Jeff and I did get ou...