Mid Summer Update

I thought it was time for  a mid summer update!

I've noticed that over the last year, I've had a pesky two pounds that come on and come off. I never let it get to me but more recently, they seem to just be sticking.  I take responsibility. About a year ago, I stopped using My Fitness Pal religiously. I would check in on the calorie count of food when we were out for dinner at restaurants or things like that.

So, I'm back on MFP. Faithfully. Two weeks going strong. It doesn't seem like a lot but, after being off of it for so long, it's really a challenge mentally to get back at it. I forgot just how hard it was being so committed to it. I can't believe that I did MFP for over 365 days straight.  It seems like an impossible task now that I'm back on it but, logically, I know it can be done and I can stick to it.

Food aside, the main reason I am back on MFP is to force myself to get more exercise. My eating habits changed dramatically during the year I dropped 56 pounds and those habits have stuck. Exercise has always been the challenge for me because I don't enjoy it. It's a means to and end, good for me mentally and physically but definitely a chore.  With a calorie deficit, in order to get more calories to eat, I have to exercise and that is the area I have been slacking in the most.  I was full with my allowed calories a day so, I didn't make an effort to get the extra exercise after probably 6 months off MFP. Old habits die hard I suppose but, I can't slack.

My increased exercise was kicked it off on our last minute trip to Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam. We literally walked everywhere. At least 10-20km a day. I'm fairly sure we covered more some days. We walked from 10am to dinner time or longer, every single day. I didn't track on MFP but when I got home, I hadn't gained any weight.  The week I got back, I got onto MFP again. The first week I felt irritable and semi sluggish but, I'm back to my normal self now which is great. We went to Niagara-on-the-Lake last weekend and we biked round trip, 40-45km from Port Dalhousie. My legs felt a burn like never before after that ride, likely the longest I've ever gone in one ride. It was great to get that kind of exercise though -1657 calories burned, more than a whole days worth of food! The only difference with me this time around is that if I am still hungry at the end of the day, and I am going to tip over a couple calories, I eat, I feed my body. I'm not going to starve but I do try to stick with it as much as I possibly can.

Anyway, I'm back at it. Taking it one day at a time. Glad to see so many of my other MFP friends/family are still at it for day to day support. You're commitment helps keep me committed.


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