Nana's Special K Cookies

 The second recipe I decided to tackle was my Nana's Special K Cookies.  

I baked these a week ago but as life with sick children has it, I didn't get a chance to share until today. If you know, you know, the viruses with these kids this fall are strong and endless.

These cookies are some of my favourite, both in taste and nostalgia.  My nana often made these cookies with me when I was a kid and she lived in her apartment at Richview.  They were easy for me to help with and quickly became my favourite. Just baking these brought me right back to her kitchen. It's amazing how certain smells can transport you back to another place and time and unlock memories.  I think that my love of baking is in part because of her. It was one thing we often did together. 

Sam saw me prepping to make the cookies and wanted to help. It was a little extra messy baking with him but maybe, decades from now, he will make and smell these cookies baking and it will transport him back to our kitchen with the two of us making memories together. He had fun and I really do enjoy sharing these things with both the kids when they feel like participating. 

Now back to the recipe and the baking! The only real adjustment to the baking instructions on this was that my cookies needed an extra 2 minutes to brown on the bottom. Otherwise I made them in all their buttery goodness exactly as directed!  They aren't the prettiest looking cookies but they make up for it in flavour. The cookies didn't last long in our house.  I doubled the recipe which made 36 cookies. 

Here is the recipe, even my Nana noted in her cookbook that they were good! 

Sam helping me with the mixing of ingredients

The mess on the floor, I didn't get a photo of the mess all over the counter. 
Flour was everywhere!

You first roll the little balls of cookie dough and then roll them again in Special K cereal 

                                                                        Final product cooling! 


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