10k Training - Update

10k training. Some days it's easy and some days it's incredibly challenging.  I was lucky enough to have one mild (ish) day last weekend to run outside. It was glorious and so much nicer than running on the treadmill which gets so boring after a kilometer or two. I really wish I could train outdoor a bit more often. Hopefully this polar vortex will loosen it's grip on us soon, give us some seasonal weather and let me hit the pavement.  Here is a photo of the lovely sunny day that gave me the one and only outdoor run I've had since October.

My biggest challenge has been the stitches... oh the stitches. I have no idea why but on my left side I constantly get that shooting pain about 10 minutes into my run.  I try to run through it or walk for a moment to stretch it out.  I have no idea what causes it. I don't eat heavy meals before a run, I make sure to get lots of water to stay hydrated but without fail, it happens.  I read that sometimes it has to do with posture and so today when I felt myself getting tired and leaning I made sure to get myself upright and it's the first run in weeks that I got through it stitch free.

 And with that, today I made a personal running record. I ran 7.11km.  I know to some that isn't very far and to some that is forever but I am really proud of myself.  I have had a few second thoughts about signing up for a 10k but, I'm really glad I did and that I'm pushing myself to do something I never in my life thought I'd do.

5 weeks left to train.  Many runs to complete between now and then. April 13th, Yonge St, I'm coming for you!  

And because I have to mention it, if you want to support me (and Jeff) in our 10k run and help us save some dogs while we are at it, please donate to Boston Terrier Rescue Canada. A big thank you to those of you who have donated!



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