
Ahhh.. the battle with self discipline.  This has been something people have complimented me over and over again on the last few months.  To me, it isn't really discipline (even though I know it actually is) it's about getting to where I need to go the fastest way possible. 

Having a chocolate bar because I'm having a bad sugar craving isn't going to help me get to my end game faster, it's just going to slow things down.  There is nothing fun about dropping this much weight, it's a lot of work every single day. The sooner it's over, the better. It's mentally exhausting and there are days when you cry or just want to give up because you're not sure how much more you can put yourself through but you pick yourself up and you keep going.

I got disciplined because I needed to be accountable and take charge of my life.  I needed to have the physical me, reflect the inside me and if you know me well, you know I like to do things fast, things that take a long time just make me frustrated.  Honestly, I'm not sure how I haven't quit or taken a break. Maybe this blog has kept me accountable, knowing that those of you who read it are hoping I make it to my goal weight.

It is true though, so much discipline is necessary to get through this. When you're wanting to snack at 10pm being able to stop yourself, when you go out for dinner not adding an appetizer or dessert to your meal.  When you go to a family dinner, picking the foods you know won't break your diet even thought there may be something more delicious in front of you. It's about being able to have chocolate and other sweets in the house and not eat them so that those you live with don't have to suffer. 

I want to take the time now too to congratulate friends of mine who have also worked their butts off losing weight with MyFitnessPal.  Whether it was taking off the last 10 pounds that were too stubborn to go away or losing over 20lbs and are on their way to losing even more.  I know how hard it is and I am so proud of each and every one of you!  You inspire me to keep going and to keep at it and for that I thank you. 

Self discipline isn't something that comes naturally to me, it has been a learned behaviour and I truly believe anyone can be just as committed. Where there is a will there is a way.


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