Making Time...

It's not about finding time. Most of us can't "find" time... I know I certainly can't. I'm always so busy I can barely keep up. For years I said "I don't have time, I just can't find any." When reality was I needed to make time and I needed to make it a priority. 

Now, I make sure not to make social or work plans every night during week because I need to make time to hit the gym or get some exercise in some way.  If I work all day and then see people every night it would be impossible to stick to the plan I'm on.  It's probably  helped my overall stress levels as well because I make sure that I have nights where I'm not running around like a crazy person.

Going to the gym is like making a doctors appointment, you need to make time for it because it's important. It's not necessarily something you feel like doing or really want to do (or at least it isn't for me) but it is a necessary part of life. If I don't make time, I certainly won't just find the time - there are way to many other things I enjoy more that I can occupy my time with.

I make sure to get a solid walk in everyday when I can and will opt to walk places instead of taking the car or public transit to get that walk in too. Now that it's winter and the weather is colder and less pleasant I am trying to get to the gym an extra day a week to make up for it.

Hopefully, this making time mentality can stick with me for years to come!


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