Goodbye 2012, Hello 2013!

Tonight we say goodbye to 2012 and hello to 2013! A whole new year, a whole new set of goals.  Weight loss and getting healthy was barely on my radar when I rang in 2012 but a late resolution is better than never right? I did say I'd like to lose 15lbs by the end of the year (check!) and that I'd like to be healthier (check!) but, honestly, I wasn't that serious about it until the spring, it had been my default resolution for years.

I thought that the quotation in the image above was fitting for ringing in a new year. I could never have imaged in my wildest dreams that in one years time, I'd be where I am now. This year I accomplished many things outside of my weight loss journey but they all seem to pale in comparison to this.

I am starting this year 39lbs lighter than when I started it.  I've brought down my body fat percentage. My BMI has dropped 7 points. I can run 5k.  I rock strength training.  I can run up and down stairs without getting winded. I survived Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. I don't eat as much and I don't really feel the need to either.  I stared my emotional eating demons face on and conquered it. I sweat it out whether I am in the mood for exercise or not.  I control my eating, it doesn't control me.  I no longer let my physical appearance solely define the image I have of myself.  I got excited when I got a Nike+ Sportswatch GPS for Christmas (something my husband pointed out I would have scoffed at being excited about just one year ago.)  Most importantly, I feel like myself again.  I feel like I finally took charge of my life this year.

I know I'm not quite at my goal weight yet but, I'll be there soon.  All in time.

My goal for 2013 is going to be a challenge but, I'd like to lose another 15-20lbs next year. I will be slowing it down though, only about half a pound a week and increasing my calorie consumption. If it takes me two years to lose all that, so be it.  I know I can do it now and I know that slow and steady wins the race.  I think continuing this will help me keep up my active lifestyle so it becomes second nature.

Happy New Year to all of you and thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog this year. It really has touched me knowing how many people care.  I hope that 2012 has been as good to you as it has been to me!


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