The next fitness goal
My next fitness goal is to have really nice arms. I'm still working on my core but, that's going to take awhile and I know I can sculpt my arms into something really nice. I know most people worry about their bikini bodies for summer but I honestly think having toned arms will be much more important for me. Let's face it, more people see me in t-shirts, tank tops and strapless tops in the summer than they do in a bathing suit. It's probably the same thing for many of you! As nice as it would be to have a nice, firm, core, I have decided to shift my focus a little bit, something equally as important to me. So with about 3 months until we start breaking out spring and summer clothes here in Toronto, this is my new challenge. The image above is one of the arm work outs I've started to do, along with the rope pull, tricep dips, bicep curls, assisted chin ups (I cannot lift my own weight yet!) and push ups! It's my goal to get the remainder of my arm "jig...