Running Longer Distances

This weekend I had the longest run I've had yet. It was certainly not flat (oh how I hate hills!) and I felt pure exhaustion upon finishing. I made it 6.8km.  I admit, I did walk for about a minute at the 5.5km mark as my legs hurt and I was battling a stitch. My pace however was just a standard 12 minute mile. Not super fast, not incredibly slow. I was disappointed because my runs have been closer to an 11 minute mile pace but they were also on average half the distance. Makes sense.  The longer I ran, the slower I went.  I mentioned to Jeff as we ran that I would most definitely be the slower one in the group when we do the Color Me Rad run in June. 

Then I was on Pinterest as saw this little quotation, made me laugh because it explained exactly how I felt on that run.  I felt like a turtle stampeding through peanut butter! It explained what I was going through perfectly. I'm just a little turtle trying to improve my endurance running skills.

Needless to say, I took a break from running on Sunday. After 6.8km on Friday and 5km on Saturday, which is most definitely the most I've run back to back days in the history of well, my entire life, I was pretty sore.  All day Sunday I spent the day wishing the aching would stop but I'm feeling better and ready to get back to running distances again and keeping up with working on my endurance.


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